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Term 5: Beside the Seaside!







At the start of this term we will be learning about the purpose and features of instructional writing. Our learning will be based around the fun and engaging text 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' by Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley. We will continue to focus on how to write a sentence using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops correctly and also learn how to sequence our sentences coherently. 

Later in the term we will be sharing the story 'Bear Shaped' by Dawn Coulter-Cruttenden and learning more about the purpose and features of descriptive writing as we create our own missing toy posters. 



At the start of this term we will be learning how to recognise and name common 3-D shapes (cubes, cuboids, pyramids, cylinders, spheres, prisms)! We will practise spotting and identifying these shapes in different orientations and sizes. Year 2 children will also identify and describe the properties of these shapes, including the number of edges, vertices and faces. We will practise identifying 2-D shapes on the surface of 3-D shapes. For example, a circle on a cylinder and a triangle on a pyramid. 

We will then revisit and build on our place value and number learning. Y2 children will also learn how to use their place value and number knowledge to interpret simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables. 

We will continue to practise counting in 2s, 10s and 5s from different multiples to develop the children's recognition of patterns in the number system (including odd and even numbers). 

Later in the term, we will be revisiting and building on our addition and subtraction learning. Please also remember to explore and support your child with our current KIRFs this term. These can be found on the Home Learning tab. 

Geography- What is it like to live near the coast? 


This term we will learn how to locate, name and identify characteristics of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas. We will also learn how to use geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features in coastal areas (beach, cliff, coast, sea, ocean). This learning will help to prepare us for our exciting trip in July! 🚌🏖🌞



Science - The Apprentice Gardener


In our science learning this term we will be exploring a variety of common wild and garden plants. We will be learning how to identify and name the parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, flowers, petals). We will be planting our own seeds to investigate what happens over time and how seeds grow into plants! 

PSHE- Keeping Safe Indoors


Our PSHE learning this term focuses on how we can keep ourselves safe indoors and the rules in place to support us with this. We will be learning all about household products (including medicines), how to identify them and how they can be harmful if not used correctly. We will also be revisiting our learning on trusted adults and adults whose job it is to help keep us safe. 

