Journeying together with hope and aspiration
Our Vision
At Parish, we value each person as they are, seeing every member of our school family as a precious, unique individual and treating them with dignity. Seeking first to understand through the building of relationships, we live in a community of hope. We aspire to enable each person to be a curious learner, inspired to develop the knowledge and wisdom to make the world a better place. We strive to encourage all to fulfil their God-given potential, having a confidence in transformation for the better.
At Parish Church C of E Primary School we are incredibly proud of our church school status. We firmly believe that every single one of us has a unique identity and something very special to offer the community. Through our school vision we work tirelessly to ensure all members of the school community flourish and achieve the best that they can. Our school vision is weaved together with our Core Four values that underpin our school life.
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