'Journeying Together with Hope and Aspiration'
At Gainsborough Parish, our ambitious curriculum is rooted in the development of powerful knowledge acquisition, being exposed to the wonders of the wider world alongside a deep commitment to personal development for all as the journey with us throughout their education.
Our curriculum guides pupils in their learning through carefully sequenced and coherent content which fully exemplifies core substantive and disciplinary knowledge, alongside relevant and associated vocabulary that empowers learners to make connections and strengthen understanding. Revisiting previously taught learning through a variety of retrieval based activities ensures key knowledge is truly embedded. From Early Years through to Year 6, we pledge to ensure that all learners are able to develop well in reading, writing and mathematics, as well as ensure that they are given access to a comprehensive curriculum offer exemplifying the full suite of National Curriculum subjects. Their is no hierarchy of subjects at Parish, with every aspect of the curriculum being given equal status. Through high quality and effective teaching for every pupil, every day learners are able to realise their talents and shine in their own unique way.
Ensuring connections to the wider world through the exploration of national and global issues, as well as celebrating all that Gainsborough and Lincolnshire has to offer, our comprehensive enrichment programme allows pupils further opportunities outside of the classroom context and positively enhances mindsets by encouraging them to discover the very best that the world has to offer. Acting as a gold thread that weaves our taught curriculum throughout all aspects of school life is the 'Parish Pathway'. This has been designed to permeate the wider curriculum whilst ensuring all pupils experience opportunities to develop ambition throughout their time at Parish and beyond. We seek to enable learners to feel challenged but importantly to challenge themselves. This is all whilst developing a culture that is built upon hope and aspiration that enables everyone to flourish and thrive.
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