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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Gainsborough Parish Church Primary School we are committed to supporting all learners to achieve their very best. 


To find out how we support children with SEND please look at our SEN information report and our SEND policy, which you will find below. 


If you think your child has additional needs or you have a concern that you would like to discuss, then please discuss with your child's class teacher or arrange a meeting with the school SENCOs Mrs Arnold and/or Mrs Marshall. 

If you would like to view the Local Authority's local offer, please follow the link below: 


School Information Report

In the section below we will share information on courses that are available to parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the local area. 


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Marshall or Mrs Arnold. 


Looked After Children and SEND


Our SENCOs work closely with our Designated Teacher for LAC, Mrs C Jones, for our Looked After Children (LAC), including previously Looked After Children (PLAC), who have special educational needs. More information in respect of LAC/PLAC can be found by clicking on the parents signpost on our home page.







SEND in Gainsborough Information
