At The Gainsborough Parish Church C.E. Primary School we follow the national curriculum guidelines (2014) and we provide a broad, relevant science curriculum for all of our children.
We believe that a high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world which children experience first-hand. We believe that teaching and learning in Science should stimulate and excite children’s curiosity about phenomena and the world around them.
Our science learning involves children’s knowledge and understanding being developed through personal experience, asking questions, developing scientific skills of investigation, direct teaching and research. Children are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring and predict how things will behave. We place a great deal of importance on working scientifically and being able to develop and evaluate explanations through the use of scientific evidence. We plan a range of practical experiences set in meaningful contexts to help to develop a range of investigative skills and allow children to take risks and learn from their mistakes, developing them into independent learners.
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