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Term 6: Beside the seaside







This term we will be looking at non-fiction texts and historical fiction writing, and how authors use non-fiction texts to write historical fiction. Our key text is 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London' by Kate Cunningham. We will produce our own fictional narrative around the fire starting in the bakery in Pudding Lane.



Later in the term we will be sharing the story 'Bear Shaped' by Dawn Coulter-Cruttenden and learning more about the purpose and features of descriptive writing as we create our own missing toy posters. 



At the start of this term we will be revisiting our addition, subtraction and multiplication learning. We will be looking at securing our understanding of one step problems and Year 2s will be moving on to the challenge of 2 step problems!



We will then be looking at geometry (position and direction) and measurement (length, height, mass, capacity and volume).

We will continue to practise counting in 2s, 10s and 5s from different multiples to develop the children's recognition of patterns in the number system (including odd and even numbers). 

 Please also remember to explore and support your child with our current KIRFs this term. These can be found on the Home Learning tab. 

History- How are we making history? 


This term we will learn all about using timelines to show past and present events and the vocabulary related to them. We will create our own timelines of events in our lives and make memory boxes to share the history of us!

We will also be singing about the months of the year and ordering our birthdays, month by month.



Science - Habitats



In our science learning this term, we will be exploring the different habitats of a variety of animals and creating a habitat in the garden for minibeasts to make their home.

PSHE- Living in the wider world - Shared responsibility



Our PSHE learning this term focuses on our use of rules in everyday life. We will look at what rules we have and why we have them. We will think about our responsibilities to follow rules in order to keep ourselves and each other safe. We will also explore how we can be responsible for the world around us.

