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Team 2

Welcome to Team 2: September 2023


Team 2 consists of 3 classes of Year 1 and 2 children.  There is one Year 1 class, a mixed Year 1 and 2 class and a Year 2 class. These classes are St David (2D), Saint Jude (2J) and Saint George (2G).  Mrs Page is our team leader.  


Saint David


Saint David class are mixed Year 1 and 2, taught by Mrs Palin with Mrs Austin supporting the learning.  Mrs Dennis teaches Saint David class on Tuesday afternoons.

Class email: st.david@parishchurch.lincs.sch.uk


Saint Jude


Saint Jude class are Year 1, taught by Miss Louth, with Miss Stubbs supporting the learning. 

Mrs  Smith teaches Saint Jude on Tuesday afternoons.    
Class email: st.jude@parishchurch.lincs.sch.uk


Saint George


Saint George class are Year 2, taught by Miss Hensby with Miss Garwell supporting the learning.  Miss Garwell teaches Saint George class on Tuesday afternoons.  
Class email: st.george@parishchurch.lincs.sch.uk


The children are taught in streamed groups for RWI phonics, so your child may not always be taught by their class teacher for every session.  

