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2024 -2025 Term 1


Take a look below at all of the fabulous learning we will be doing this term! We can't wait to tell you all about it!






This term we will be looking at the story of the inspirational Mae Jemison, who was the first African American woman to fly to space! We will be learning about the amazing things she has accomplished, and then we will be writing a fact file to explain who Mae Jemison is to others.



Later in the term we will be sharing the story 'Look Up' by Nathan Bryon. This is a beautiful story about all of the things we could see, if only we all took the time to look up more. We will be sharing the story, and then writing a simple recount of what happened.




At the start of this term we will be looking at time, with a focus on the language around the days of the week. Year 2 children will be learning about the measurement of time and how many minutes are in an hour.



We will then be looking at  counting forwards and backwards to at least 100, reading and writing numbers and learning the place value of numbers, with Year 2 focusing on 2 digit numbers. 


 Please also remember to explore and support your child with our current KIRFs this term. These can be found on the Home Learning tab. 

Geography - Why is our world wonderful?



This term we will be exploring our world, and discovering what makes it so wonderful. We will be learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans, and we will be going on some amazing virtual trips to learn about some of the human and physical features from different countries. We will learn about how wonderful the United Kingdom is, and then how wonderful our town of Gainsborough is. We will then become geographers, and carry out some fieldwork in our local area to find all about animal habitats, and how we can protect them. We can't wait to learn all about our wonderful world!



Science - What animals live in our local area?



In our science learning this term, we will be exploring what animals live locally and creating a habitat in the garden for minibeasts to make their home. We will investigating the different foods that birds eat and will be making our own birdfeeders.

PSHEE- What makes a good friend?



Our PSHEE learning this term focuses on friendships, how we make friends and what we need to do to be a good friend.

We will also be learning how to resolve conflicts in friendships and what to do when a friendship is making us unhappy.

