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2024 -2025 Term 4


Take a look below at all of the fabulous learning we will be doing this term! We can't wait to tell you all about it!




This term we will be looking at the story of Man on the Moon. His name is Bob and he has a very important job to do. He makes his way to the moon every day and takes very good care of it for the tourists!


Our writing focus will be to create a pamphlet to persuade others to have an exciting job in space!








This term, we will be looking at a few different topics in our maths learning. We will be starting the term by focusing on division by grouping.  We will then be moving onto fractions, looking at halves in Year 1 and thirds, halves and quarters in Year 2. We will then be making a return visit to time, recalling o'clock and moving on to half past in Year 1, with Year 2 focusing on telling and writing the time to 5 minutes. We will finish the term with a focus on 3d shapes and their properties.



Please also remember to explore and support your child with our current KIRFs this term. These can be found on the Home Learning tab. 

History - How did we learn to fly?



This term we will be looking back at the evolution of flight! We will start with the first engine powered flight by the Wright brothers, then we will move on to the significant people who made history with their flying endeavours, including the magnificent Amelia Earhart! We will also be learning about how far the development of flight has taken man - all the way to the moon!






Science - What do animals need to be alive and healthy?



In our science learning this term, we will be exploring how animals change and grow. We will learn the 5 vertebrate groups in the animal kingdom. We will learn how the young in some animal groups look very different to the adults, such as frogs and butterflies, but the young of other animal groups look like smaller versions of the adults.


We will also be exploring how we as humans grow and what we need to stay healthy, through things like exercise and a balanced diet. 

PSHEE- What helps us grow and stay healthy?



Our PSHEE learning this term links to our science learning, looking more in depth at the different things that helps us to grow and be well. This will include the things we do as part of our daily routine, such as brushing our teeth, and the things we do at certain times of the year, like using sunscreen on sunny days.


RE   Being Human - Islam


This term in our RE learning we will be learning more about Islam, gaining a deeper understanding of the values and beliefs of Muslims. We will be looking at how the Qur'an is the special book for Muslims and what the 5 pillars of Islam represent in their faith.
