2024 -2025 Term 3
Take a look below at all of the fabulous learning we will be doing this term! We can't wait to tell you all about it!
This term we will be looking at the story of Paddington Bear from Darkest Peru. We will be doing lots of short burst writing, including designing a found poster to describe Paddington, writing instructions on how to make the perfect marmalade sandwich and writing a fact file to share what we know about bears. This links nicely to our geography topic this term which is a comparison of Gainsborough and Peru.
This term, we will be looking at a few different topics in our maths learning. We will be starting the term by focusing on number and place value and making sure we are counting objects carefully and correctly. We will then be moving onto addition and how to solve problems using the addition symbol. Subtraction will be our next topic and we will be consolidating our learning about solving one step problems using concrete resources. To end the term, we will be consolidating our multiplication learning, and how to count in equal groups of 2, 5 and 10. It's going to be a very busy term!
Please also remember to explore and support your child with our current KIRFs this term. These can be found on the Home Learning tab.
Geography - How is Peru different to Gainsborough?
This term we will be exploring what the similarities and differences are between Gainsborough and Peru. We will be going on some virtual trips to Peru and South America, and looking at some of the amazing places there. We will also be going on a local area walk to see some of the fabulous places in Gainsborough, so that we are able to make a comparison between the two. We will be exploring what the terms human geography and physical geography mean, and how we can tell the difference. This links really nicely to our learning about Paddington Bear in our writing learning!
Science - Which material should I choose?
In our science learning this term, we will be exploring the properties of a range of different materials and working scientifically to carry out comparative tests, for example, which ball bounces the highest. We will also be learning about Charles Macintosh, who was famous for inventing the rain mac.
PSHEE- What helps us to stay safe?
Our PSHEE learning this term focuses safety and what we can do to help ourselves to stay safe. We will be looking at why we need rules and how these are used at school, at home and online to keep us safe. We will also be having a Fire Safety Awareness workshop.
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