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Current Project

Term 6





This term in English, our Year 5/6 pupils will be diving into the exciting world of persuasive writing! They will be exploring and crafting compelling texts aimed at convincing others to visit Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. Through this project, the children will learn about the rich history, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant community of Gainsborough. They will develop their writing skills by creating engaging and persuasive arguments, showcasing why this charming town is a must-visit destination. We can't wait to see the creative and convincing reasons our students will come up with to highlight Gainsborough’s many attractions!




This term in mathematics, our Year 5/6 pupils will be tackling a variety of important and challenging topics. They will continue to master the formal written methods for multiplying and dividing numbers, and applying these skills to solve related problems. Additionally, they will be extending their knowledge by multiplying and dividing decimals, which will help deepen their understanding of these concepts. To round off their mathematical journey this term, the children will also be learning how to find missing angles, enhancing their geometry skills. We are excited to see our pupils develop their mathematical abilities through these engaging and essential activities!


You can support our learning at home by encouraging us to access Times Table Rockstars and helping us learn our KIRFs. 


KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts)






This term in science, our Year 5/6 pupils will be embarking on an exciting investigative journey to answer the question, "How can we change materials?" They will be exploring the fascinating concepts of reversible and irreversible changes, conducting experiments to observe these transformations firsthand. Additionally, they will investigate how much gas can be produced by an irreversible change and explore what would make the best rocket fuel. Through hands-on activities and critical thinking, our young scientists will deepen their understanding of material properties and chemical reactions, making science both fun and educational!





This term in RE, our Year 5/6 pupils will be delving into significant aspects of Christian teachings and history. They will begin by exploring the term ‘Beatitudes’ and understanding how these blessings inform and guide Christian living. The children will also learn about ‘The Greatest Commandment’ and discuss its impact on Christian values and behavior. Additionally, they will study the Reformation of the church, gaining insight into the historical events that led to the formation of the Anglican Church. Through these lessons, our students will develop a deeper appreciation of Christian beliefs and the historical context of their development.





This term in Geography, our Year 5/6 pupils will be investigating the intriguing question, "Why do people visit the Andes?" They will start by locating the Andes on a map and exploring the unique geographical features and climate of this majestic mountain range. The children will delve into why the Andes attract visitors, examining the various activities and attractions that draw people to this region. They will also compare the Andes to our local area, identifying similarities and differences in landscapes, cultures, and lifestyles. Through this study, students will gain a broader perspective on global geography and appreciate the diversity of environments and ways of life around the world.





This term in PSHE, our Year 5/6 pupils will be focusing on important themes related to community, diversity, and social understanding. They will start by exploring what it means to live in a community and appreciating the diverse contributions of individuals and groups within it. The children will learn about diversity, understanding its meaning, the benefits of living in a diverse community and the importance of valuing diversity. They will also discuss stereotypes, recognising how these can negatively influence behaviors and attitudes and learn strategies for challenging stereotypes. Additionally, children will delve into the topic of prejudice, learning to identify discriminatory behaviours and actions and exploring effective ways to respond if they witness or experience discrimination. Through these lessons, our pupils will develop a deeper sense of empathy, respect, and social responsibility.

Recommended Reading List for Year 5 and 6
