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2024-2025 - Term 3




This term in English, we are excited to read two texts about exploration, a fiction and a non-fiction text.   Through reading instruction lessons we will continue to focus on fluency through use of our reading 'EARS'  We will build on our previous reading of non-fiction and further explore the features that support readers to gather information.  In 'The Pugs of the Frozen North' we will look at how the author lets the reader know what characters are feeling in different ways.




Following our learning about Shackleton's exciting journey we shall be creating Antarctic survival guides.  We shall learn about the features of these unusual instructions and then plan and write our own.  Look out for the final versions!  




This term in Maths, we will begin by revisiting and extending our place value knowledge, supporting our number knowledge.  We will revisit addition and subtraction skills with numbers up to 3 and 4 digits before building upon our fractions learning by comparing and ordering fractions in year 3 and adding and subtracting fractions in year 4.   Through engaging activities and problem-solving tasks, children will build a strong foundation in these key mathematical concepts.


You can support our learning at home by encouraging us to access Times Table Rockstars and helping us learn our KIRFs. 




Maths- KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts)







Geography - Who lives in Antarctica?  

This term in Geography we shall learn all about Antarctica.  We will build on our knowledge of continents as we learn about climate zones and lines of longitude and latitude.  We shall also learn about Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition.




Science- How does an electrical circuit work?

This term in Science we shall learn about how electrical appliances use electricity.  We shall explore electrical circuits and how they work to produce light, sound and movement.  We will learn about insulators and conductors through scientific investigations.



PSHEE- How can we manage risk in different places?

This term in PSHEE, we will learn how to identify and manage risks in different places in order to keep ourselves and others safe.  We will particularly focus on our local environment looking at roads, railway and river safety.


RE- Christianity- What do Christians believe about God?

This term in RE, we will learn about the underpinning belief that Christian's have in one God and we will connect this to our learning about other faiths that are also monotheistic.  We learn about the symbols that are important to Christians when representing this belief.





This term we shall be created dances by linking movements individually, with a partner and as a whole class.  Our theme is machinery so our dances will communicate the ideas of machines working together.





This term we are studying light and dark and how to make our paintings look three dimensional. We are adding black to make a shade of a colour and white to make a tint.
