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Term 6



This term we will be finding out about explanation texts and what this means and how they can be used.  We will be using Wallace and Gromit's Cracking Contraptions as our inspiration.  We will be writing our own explanation texts about how one of these incredible inventions works.



We will look at different features of explanation texts and what their purpose is and the effect our writing can have on the reader.  We will also be reading the book 'Papa's Mechanical Fish' to further inspire us.  To finish off we will present our writing neatly so that others will be able to read, enjoy and understand our explanations clearly.





In Guided reading, we shall be looking at texts that link to our History learning of the Ancient Greeks. Through all these texts we shall be using our skills of Prepare, Read, React, Explore and Process. The core text is a wonderful graphic novel about a little boy called Leo who goes on a quest and meets many mythical monsters!




We will have a main focus on fractions, measurement of time, length, capacity, mass, volume before finishing with multiplication, division and shapes.

We will continue to learn our multiplication tables and our mental methods for addition and subtraction.



History- Greeks

This term we will learn about one of the most important civilisations the world has ever seen! We will ask some very important questions; Who were the Greeks and when did they live? What did they believe? How was it governed? Did they give us democracy? How do Greek philosophers influence us and finally what did the Ancient Greeks do for us?


 Science - Light and Shadow 

In Science we shall be discovering everything there is know about light, where does it come? What types of light are there? How does it help us to see? Is light really white? We will then move on to what happens when you block light and how is a shadow formed.




As a human we have rights and it is important that this is respected. We should have basic rights so that we are all entitled to an education, to express our opinions and be treated fairly. We will also look at the fact that these rights still mean we have to follow the rules and laws of the country we are in.









This term we shall be looking at the religion that is most important to our school; Christianity. We will look at Sunday Worship, Baptism, Different Denominations and the Holy Trinity. We will link this to our Core Four in school and our strong links with our local church All Saints Parish Church.







Computing - 


In computing we shall be looking at Coding and how repetition is used in computer games to make the programming easier and smoother.



Physical Education

This term for our Outdoors PE we shall be introducing the children to athletics. We will look at running, jumping and throwing.


For our Indoors PE we shall be learning through team challenges, ready, steady, go!



In term 5 we learnt the vocabulary for different pets that we might have.  This term we will learn about our other animals- zoo animals.  We will learn the vocabulary as well as being able to describe them.  We will also write some sentences in French to show what we have learnt as we increase our verbal and written knowledge of French.




In music we will continue learning about our composer for the year – Beethoven.  This term we will present everything that we have learnt this year into a fact file or leaflet.

We will also be listening to some Gospel music and learning more about the history of this.  We will create our own percussion backing tracks using symbols.  We will also be playing the chime bars as we accompany a gospel tune.  




Knowledge Organisers


We shall be starting to use knowledge organisers as a way to share the key knowledge for subject areas with you.  Please use these to revise the key knowledge with your children.
