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Team 3

Welcome to Team 3

Team 3 consists of 3 classes - Saint Valentine, Saint John and Saint Helen.


Saint Helen (3H) Year 3 and 4


Mrs Bole is the class teacher and supporting the learning are Mrs. Green and Mrs. Dalton. Mrs. Dennis teaches the class on a Monday afternoon. Mrs. Cherry teaches the class on a Friday.

Class email: team3@gainsborough.laat.co.uk


Saint Valentine (3V) Year 3


Mr Anderson is the class teacher and supporting the learning in the classroom are Mrs Everett, Mrs Blanchard, Mrs West-Jubb and Mrs Dalton. Mrs Green teaches the class on a Monday afternoon.  

Class email: team3@gainsborough.laat.co.uk


Saint John (3J) Year 4


Miss Green is the class teacher and supporting the learning is Mrs. Redfern and Mrs J. Smith.  Mrs Cherry teaches the class on a Wednesday morning on a fortnightly basis. Mrs D. Smith teaches the class on a Monday afternoon.

Class email: team3@gainsborough.laat.co.uk



We hope you find our team pages useful and enjoy finding out about the fantastic learning that is happening in Team 3 this term!
