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What are we learning this term?

Term 1- September 2024



This term, our students will embark on an exciting literary journey as they dive into the thrilling mystery-adventure book 'Wild Boy' by Rob Lloyd Jones during their reading instruction lessons. The story is filled with suspense, intrigue, and captivating characters that are sure to keep our young readers on the edge of their seats! As part of this immersive experience, the children will take on the role of investigative journalists, crafting their own newspaper reports about the mysterious crimes unfolding in the book. They'll also explore their creative writing skills by composing flashback narratives that delve into the pasts of the characters, adding depth to the mysteries they're uncovering. It's going to be an adventurous term of reading, writing, and imagination!



This term in maths, your child will be diving deep into the world of number and place value as they build a strong foundation in these essential skills. They’ll be counting forwards and backwards in powers of 10 from any given number, and they'll develop confidence in reading, writing, ordering, and comparing numbers up to at least one million, including decimal numbers with up to three decimal places. Students will also master rounding, as well as multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000. Alongside these concepts, they’ll practice adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers using formal written methods, ensuring they have the tools needed to tackle more complex mathematical challenges with ease. It’s going to be a term full of number fun, problem-solving and reasoning!


You can support our learning at home by encouraging us to access Times Table Rockstars and helping us learn our KIRFs. 


KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts)



This term, our budding scientists will be exploring the fascinating topic of evolution and inheritance, diving into the wonders of how living things have changed over time and how traits are passed down through generations. The children will investigate how plants, animals, and humans adapt to their environments, learn about the ground-breaking work of Charles Darwin, and discover the amazing variety of life on Earth. They'll also explore how physical characteristics and behaviours are inherited, giving them a deeper understanding of the connections between all living things. It's an exciting opportunity for our students to develop their curiosity, critical thinking, and appreciation for the natural world!



This term in RE, our students will embark on a thoughtful exploration of life journeys within the Islamic faith. They will learn about the special ways Muslims welcome a new child into their community, including the aqiqah ceremony and its connection to the practice of zakat, or charitable giving. The children will also discover the significance of the four steps in a Muslim marriage and explore Islamic beliefs about what happens after we die. Alongside these lessons, students will have the chance to reflect on their own beliefs and draw meaningful connections to Christian teachings, fostering a deeper understanding and respect for different faiths. It’s a journey of discovery, reflection, and growing appreciation for the diverse world we live in.




This term, our geography lessons will take your child on an adventurous journey into the world of deserts! Students will discover what makes a hot desert biome unique, explore where deserts are located around the globe, and examine the fascinating physical features that define these vast landscapes. They’ll learn how people have adapted to life in such extreme conditions, the various ways deserts are utilized, and the significant threats facing these fragile environments. To cap it off, students will reflect on whether they could imagine themselves living in a desert, sparking their curiosity and encouraging them to think critically about life in one of Earth’s most extreme environments. It’s going to be an exciting exploration of some of the planet’s most intriguing places!



This term in PSHE, our students will delve into the important topic of identity, exploring what makes each of us unique and what we share in common with others. They'll reflect on the various aspects that shape their own identities, from family and culture to personal interests and values. As part of this learning journey, students will discuss stereotypes, understanding how they can be harmful and learning ways to challenge them. They’ll also tackle the concepts of prejudice and extreme views, exploring how these can impact individuals and communities, and how they can be confronted with empathy and understanding. Through these lessons, we aim to empower our students to celebrate diversity, respect differences, and stand up against injustice.




This term, our PE program will offer an exciting mix of activities, with students taking part in both tag rugby and yoga. Through tag rugby, children will develop their teamwork, coordination, and agility as they learn the skills and strategies of this dynamic, fast-paced sport. Alongside the action on the field, they'll also practice yoga, which will help them improve their flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. These complementary activities are designed to promote both physical fitness and mental well-being, providing a well-rounded PE experience that keeps our students active, focused, and energized. It’s going to be a fun and fulfilling term of sports and wellness!




This term in art, our students will embark on a creative journey as they explore how artists express feelings and emotions through their work. They'll learn to describe paintings to others, uncovering the stories that art can tell and discovering how to find deeper meaning in the images they see. As part of this exploration, students will also try their hand at recreating images and painting in the vibrant, distinctive style of David Hockney. These lessons will not only enhance their artistic skills but also deepen their appreciation for how art communicates and connects us. It’s going to be a colourful term full of creativity, expression, and discovery!


Recommended Reading List for Year 5 and 6
