Welcome to Team 4
We hope you find our team pages useful and enjoy finding out about the fantastic learning that is happening in Team 4 this term!
You can contact the staff in Team 4 via email: team4@gainsborough.laat.co.uk
Team 4 consists of three classes:
Mr Anderson's Class- Year 5
Mr Anderson is the class teacher and supporting the learning in the classroom are Mrs. Smith and Mrs Redfern.
Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Marshall's Class - Year 5/6
Mrs. Mitchell is the class teacher on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs. Marshall is the class teacher on Thursday and Friday. Supporting the learning in the classroom is Miss Stubbs.
Miss White's Class - Year 6
Miss White is the class teacher on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Cherry teaches the class on Wednesday. Supporting the learning in the classroom is Mrs. Richardson.
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